Active Projects

Project Title: OnTrack Chile for First Episode Psychosis

Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health

Project Title: OnTrack Chile for First Episode Psychosis (1U01 MH115502-01: PI Alvarado)

Project Description: The goal of this study is to address the shortfall in evidence-based practices for first episode psychosis in Chile by first adapting OnTrackChile (OTCH) from OnTrackNY (OTNY), a coordinated specialty care program for FEP currently being implemented across the US, and then implementing and examining the effectiveness of OTCH on a wide scale in Santiago, Chile.

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Project Title: Peer-led Healthy Lifestyle Program in Supportive Housing

Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health

Project Title: Peer-led Healthy Lifestyle Program in Supportive Housing (R01 MH104574)

Project Description: The overall goals of this study are to test the effectiveness and examine the implementation of a peer-led healthy lifestyle intervention (Peer GLB) in supportive housing agencies serving diverse clients with serious mental illness (SMI) who are overweight or obese. Supplemental funds are awarded to identify key factors and mechanisms that underlie the added value of using peer specialists to deliver a healthy lifestyle intervention to people with SMI

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Project Title: Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan

Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health

Project Title: Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan (OPAL: PI Stroup)

Project Description: The goal of OPAL is to accelerate the adaptation, development, and implementation of effective, personalized treatments in real-world settings by creating an infrastructure that supports research that tests innovative ways to optimize treatments for people with schizophrenia throughout the lifespan and that accelerates the translation of clinical research on schizophrenia to routine practice settings, conducting exploratory and pilot projects that develop, adapt, and test innovative methods to personalize treatments for schizophrenia and to make them effective and readily deployable, and training scientists who will conduct translational research on services and treatments for persons with schizophrenia. Dr. Cabassa is the Co-leader of the method core for this center grant and leader of the Qualitative Methods Uni

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Project Title: Measurement, Education and Tracking in Integrated Care: Strategies to Increase Patient Engagement and Reduce Mental Health Disparities among Hispanics

Funding Agency: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Project Title: Measurement, Education and Tracking in Integrated Care: Strategies to Increase Patient Engagement and Reduce Mental Health Disparities among Hispanics (R15MD010220-01; PI Sanchez)

Project Description:  The proposed study seeks to establish the feasibility of universal screening for depression in an adult primary care safety net setting, measure the effectiveness of a culturally appropriate depression fotonovela intervention to reduce stigma and increase uptake in depression treatment, and implement a Measurement-Based Integrated Care (MBIC) model with collaborative, multi-disciplinary treatment and care management intervention.

Dr. Cabassa is a consultant for this project.

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